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Dear diary,

Today was such a wonderful night! My family and I went outside to look at the stars and it was so beautiful. We saw so many stars twinkling in the sky. I even saw the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper! It was like a magical world up there.

As we were looking up at the sky, my dad told me some really interesting facts about the stars. Did you know that some stars are bigger than the sun? And did you know that some stars are so far away that their light takes millions of years to reach us? It was so cool to learn all of these things.

I also saw a shooting star! I made a wish and I hope it comes true. My little brother was so excited too. He kept pointing at the sky and saying "Look, look!" We all had so much fun together.

I can't wait to go stargazing again. It was such a beautiful and peaceful night. I feel so lucky to have seen all of those stars. I hope I never forget this amazing experience.


[Your Name]

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上一篇:二年级日记:参观工厂,了解制造过程! 下一篇: 三年级日记:看恐龙化石的美好经历