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《纵横四海》经典影评10篇 巴不得爸爸结局

导语:《纵横四海》是一部由王晶执导,陶大宇 / 杨恭如 / 周海媚主演的一部剧情 / 爱情 / 犯罪类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。《纵横四海》影评:人物、线索 先说明智杰,总之就是一个从一无所有但很有爱,变得应有尽有却

《纵横四海》是一部由王晶执导,陶大宇 / 杨恭如 / 周海媚主演的一部剧情 / 爱情 / 犯罪类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。






















2.白宴把明星的小孩养大成人,居然一点都不担心他们会母子相认,还有意找机会让他们母子相见... 虽然白宴是大家闺秀,通情达理,但做到这点似乎太圣母了吧...






































《纵横四海》影评:世界太阔了 由你出生当天起 童稚已每年渐远离。

“你我似醉了 无法清清楚楚讲


世界太冷了 谁会伸出一双手


说说笑笑里 曾觉得欢欢喜喜


世界太阔了 由你出生当天起


纵观那两兄弟 谁都不干净 对立的两方 从一开始就不公平 胜负已分 成王败寇

十里长蓬 天下无不散的宴席


当年显赫的他 在冷酷的商业操作下 相信也有很多人因为他家破人亡

张狂一世 也有多少女人被他伤害过

而当初的明志杰也曾奋力救过人命 也曾为情所困 也曾冲进过火场

只是多少细节经得起放大 谁一开始不是怀着赤子之心

其实将顺序调换 大家也只是五十步笑百步一丘之貉

一个就是浪子回头 一个就是十恶不赦


越狱那天想跑路蹲在码头 时间略停留了一下

是否还有人记得 那是他初来香港时对自己对兄弟许下承诺壮志雄心的旧地

然后时过境迁 今天 已是物是人非


如果 我没有申请来香港 我们已经结婚了 我爱你一生一世 泣不成声 往事只能追忆覆水难收

逃跑的时候 到了最后关头 已经无路可退 他嘴角微扬 向悬崖冲去

一时间画面倒转 那些不在了的人一时间仿佛都回来了 而现实的世界分崩离析


其实最感人的是明星 但最错的也是她

她自私的想让自己的大儿子像王子一样骑马 去美国念书

所以舍了steven lee给白宴


就算一生常跪佛前 始终是赎不了一身的罪孽 无子送终

是你横刀夺爱 忍让他人骨肉分离

三十年后的一场手足相残里 多少有你的一些错



如果没有cat 说不定也没有后来称霸一时坏事做尽的明志杰

而按摩女 如果不是你那想穿婚纱的最后一根稻草 也压不垮小龙这只骆驼

如果小虎你更霸气一点更tough一点 说不定早就抱得cat这只天真无邪的猫

而马寿南自然不在话下 若不是你一时斗气招揽了一只狼 想必你也可以安度晚年得享天伦












想必这场手足相残的游戏也曾出没在香港八卦周刊的各大封面上 轰动一时 为人议论不休

而多久之后 也不过会为世人所遗忘


我们你们 都只是一颗为上帝所把玩的棋子

眼看你起高楼 眼看你狼狈如丧家之犬

天地不仁 以万物为邹狗


我跟李嘉诚 其实也是平等的。

《纵横四海》影评:看到一篇写的很好的英文评论 zt


Flaming Brothers

Written by Funn Lim

quot;It is one thing to be a villain but to be a villain that we all will feel pity for and forgive him at the end of the series takes a great actor to portray."




How Long

20+ tapes


Michael Tao ~ Lei Siu Tin

atrick Tam ~ Ming Chi Kit

Deannie Yip ~ Ming Sing

Kristy Yang ~ Lou Suet

Kathy Chow ~ Lou Wan

Lau Sek Yin ~ Yuk Gwok Hung

au Hei Jing ~ Bak Yin

Cheung Man Chi ~ Bi Bi

ek Sau ~ Ma Sau Naam

Tien Yui Nei ~ Ma Kit Sum

Lee Siu Gei ~ Chui Siu Gei

Au Gam Tong ~ Chui Siu Lung

Kenneth Chan ~ Joe

Lam Wai Gin ~ Chui Siu Fu

Wong Oi Yiu ~ Ma Siu Ling

Lo Ga Ying ~ Kui Ga Ying

Annie Man ~ Ming Sing

Wong Mei ~ Bak Yin

Ka Ling ~ Siu Man

Wong Tin Lam ~ Bak Sai Whang

What & Where

et in modern HK,it is a tale of rivalry,jealousy,bitter hatred of two brothers and their mother who is caught between her love for two sons.

The Verdict

I wanted to put this here first coz this will be a rather lengthy review so I might as well spare you the pain of knowing the obvious.Classic.It doesn't mean it is flawless but as far as the story and characterisation goes,you would wish it was a TVB production but no,it is a collaboration between ATV and another production company of the best of 1999.

The storyline

Michael is the spoilt son of a very rich woman who isn't his real mom.Patrick is the son of Deannie Yip,a poor,uneducated woman who came from China.Both of this men would never have known each other if not for the fact that they both share the same mother and father.Their father was a poor,educated man from China who married young.They had a son together.Then this man left for HK to hide from the government due to his involvement with the reform movement and there,he met a rich man's daughter,married her and had forgotten about his wife.Then his very pregnant wife came to HK to search for him only to find out he was married,has a comfortable life and his new wife is so bloody understanding to the point that she didn't mind sharing her husband.But her husband thought otherwise.Because they were childless,the husband took Michael when he was born and kicked his wife out of the house.She had no choice but to go back to China to wait for her husband's return which he did.And they shared one night together and when he left,she was pregnant.But she didn't tell her husband of this son because she wanted a son by her side.But later,she tried to leave China with Patrick but the son very unselfishly told her mother to run whilst he got caught.This was the beginning of his poor motherless life.His mom succesfully entered HK and went insearch of her heartless husband whom she later found out was dead.She walmost wanted to reclaim her eldest son,Michael but when she saw how much her son had grown,such a handsome young prince riding his pony,she knew she could never give a better life to his beloved son that this woman could.Due to an arrangement,she became the boy's governess or some sort and saw him grew up.She secretly kept all his magazine interviews,portfolio of his many girlfriends and even his fallen tooth.And she kept defending his very ruthless business decisions to the point that people,including Michael himself thought that she was in love with him.But during one kidnapping attempt where they were imprisoned together in a dark hole,they bonded and became closer.Then the second son got a visa to come to HK.On first sight,he fell in love with Kathy Chow,who so happens to be the on/off GF of Michael's.He learned to drink wine,worked hard so that he could have a chance to woo this former model turned designer but it was destined to be a failed attempt because Michael,who realised that he really loved Kathy pursued her tirelessly that she finally agreed to marry him because all along,she loved him and also,because she was pregnant.This caused the first most intense rivalry between this two brothers that Patrick,on the day of the wedding threatened to kill himself if Kathy does not show up which she did,with Michael.And before he jumped,he knew two things;Kathy doesn't love him and Michael is actually his big brotherand then he pulled Michael together with him when he jumped.Michael suffered minor injuries but Patrick was more serious.Then that night,another tragedy happened.Kathy died in an explosion in Patrick's house when she went in there to take some stuffs,as requested by Deannie Yip.And that made the two brothers fought even harder.And when Michael lost the financial battle to Sek Sau and thus,lost all his money and was again kidnapped by some kidnappers and escaped in the middle of nowhere in China,for the first time in his life he realised what does suffering mean the mean time,Patrick married Sek Sau's brother and well,many many things happened that could make you hate him.

The Worst Of The Lot is

At the beginning it was Michael's character.He was egoistical,rude,domineering,and he beats up his best friend.But due to the biggest mistake of his life which he will regret for the rest of this series,and due to losing all his money and being kidnapped and narrowly escaped to in the middle of poor rural China,he learnt his lesson about life and money and discovered that money isn't everything,and pride isn't everything.When he came home safely after many many weeks,he was a changed man who didn't want to fight with Patrick anymore and who just wants to live his life peacefully.

atrick was a poor boy from China but is educated and smart.And he is also a very sweet boy that clearly loves his mother.But due to his obsession and love for Kathy,he changed into an ugly man.He was not greedy but because due to his intense desire to beat Michael in everything,he sold his soul to the devil and he married his bosses' daughter,Cat and in turn tortured her emotionally by having an affair with a very bitchy vixen in the form of Bi Bi.He even killed people,some indirectly,some he didn't mean too and in the end,to avoid prosecution for crimes he had committed to whom only his mom knew of the true facts,the mom confessed for his crimes and went to jail.But that was not enough because Michael was trying his best to get his mom out.And so he pressures his mom to take her own life so that the secret will be a secret for life.You will hate him but yet,you will pity him because he was such a nice sweet young man.

The Most Difficult Person To Be Is..

The mother. Michael was her son that she could not touch nor love whilst Patrick was the son that disappointed her the most.Rivalry was so intense that when she talked about helping Michael financially when he was down and out,Patrick accused her of favouritism.When Michael was kidnapped,she had to pretend to be happy and reluctantly smile in her youngest son's wedding.She did scold Patrick for his actions but she could no more that just talk and with words,nothing will be successful. And she can't help but remember that this son of hers aren't born evil but was a good son and she couldn't give up hope on him.We thought that she loved Michael more because it was the son that she never could openly loved but in one of the most touching scene in TV history,she told Patrick that she loved him more because after all,they had spent years together and because of that she has great affection for this son.And now we do know how much she love this bastard of a son;she killed herself so that the secrets of him killing his wife will never be known.It was sad and it makes you feel so angry that such a son could be so selfish and unremorseful and yet,it was also touching because this mother could be so giving.

The HATE factor

We all will hate Patrick for the above reasons.It is not Michael coz though he's mean,he will only be at most,the Most Irritating Character.But the one person that you'll hate is Bi Bi,the mistress of Patrick.If only I could be the mistress that could slap the wife of my BF and insult her when I should be the one who should be insulted,I don't mind being the Bitch and Vixen here.She even pushed Kat during one argument which was why she lost her baby.But justice would not be long.She died in the arms of Patrick,or shall I say because of his arms or hands.He strangled her when she became too much too handle.

The Most Disturbing Scene

The almost ending,where Deannie was in prison grounds trimming the grasses and Patrick walked right up to her at the fence and just looked at her with this intense stare.When she saw his stare,she knew what she must do for her son.His stare was like,"Prove it,Prove it that you love me more than Michael by doing what I asked you to do" .Which she did and we all know that she loved him more than Michael.

The Best Scene

Any scenes that have Michael and Kathy in it.And this I feel is the best scene.Michael just came home after a gruelling few weeks spent on trying to some home to discover that his best friend/assistant which he frequently beat up when he was not happy was standing by his arch-enemy's side,Patrick.Before Thai scene,we see Patrick persuading that man to be his 'dog' and gave him large amount of cash.And when they were standing eye to eye,Patrick demanded that this 'Dog' of his to punch Michael.And when he flung his hand,you almost thought that this is a 'running dog' or traitor but that punch was for Patrick.He really hated that man and he would rather be Michael's dog than his.Classic.Ahhhh....friendship.

The Love factor

Michael was so in love with Kathy that he pursued her relentlessly.He didn't and wouldn't give up on this woman whom he had some years of relationship together and they had broken up.Why you might ask?Because this is one woman that didn't want his money but wanted his affection and love as opposed to other women.He had to wait in the rain for her and withstand her icy composure when he is around.But he won because as Kathy told Patrick why she was refusing Patrick's love because Patrick was never in the race for her love at all.All along it was Michael's race and actually Michael was already at the finishing line but it was just a matter of whether she wanted to join him at the finishing line.The fact that she was pregnant with his child was an added bonus point for Michael of course.Now you may ask,how could she be pregnant with his child when she got pregnant via artificial insemination?Well,Michael asked his doctor friend to inseminate her with HIS sperm.

And then she died. Michael was full of regret but he could do nothing else but cry and cry and cry.Then there came Kristy Yang,Kathy's little sister who is also a model who had been secretly in love with Michael since day one.She was the most supportive friend and he fell for her but couldn't let her know because he was afraid if she knew the truth about how her sister died,she would hate him.But the thing is,she knew.And so they began their relationship but dear Patrick,who was a fugitive by now,kidnapped her but she escaped and she ran towards Michael's direction and then...bang...bang.She was shot and she was badly hurt.Could this be a sad ending?Let me just say that there is no happy ending here.

The Most Irritating Character

Michael at first.The more notable one is Patrick's wife,Ah Cat.Maybe she deserves our pity but if you watch carefully,she brought this all onto herself.She could have just walked out but she was weak.Which was strange,She was supposed to be this strong willed and independent modern girl and after her marriage she is a total wreck.But her most irritating moment would be when she went crazy after she lost her baby.We should feel sad for her but maybe it's the actress portrayal of her character that made me could not feel anything for her.

Is Patrick Any Worse Than...

Kelvin Kam of Secret Of The Heart?Same reasons for killing people but in a way,he repented at the end of the series whilst Kelvin,well,died way too easily.But one person that he could never rival is Lei Chi Hou of Kindred Spirit.So that guy never killed anybody per se,but this man is a scum.He tortured his mom,made his wife to eat dirt,ignored his only child,caused the downfall of Ah Hoi.And so when he died,everybody cheered.But when Patrick died,there was a tinge of sadness that you could just say,"What if" or "Only if..".

The Best Performance

Four people.Kristy Yang though she may not be a great actress but she really is pretty.And here,she was sweet,nice and hopeful for love of her brother in law.You would wish that the two of them just get together.

Deannie Yip.Some may say she smiled a lot in here but if yous ee,it is a smile of unhappiness in her heart,her reluctance and her sorrow.She is really good in here and well,quite sad too.

atrick for his fine performance.It is one thing to be a villain but to be a villain that we all will feel pity for and forgive him at the end of the series takes a great actor to portray. He isn't a great actor but he was really good.He reminds me of Kong Wah's performance in Secret Battle Of The Majesty.He may have killed,raped,swindled. But if at the end you pity the character to the point of saying,"why does he have to die" I personally feel that actor deserves an award for it.

And last but not least,the best of the lot would be Michael Tao.He is a fine actor and here,he is great.His Lei Siu Tin could be irritating at first but you still like him no matter how mean he was.And personally,I feel that if an actor who cries and when you cried with him,I would dare say he did a great job.And the reason for watching this series will be Michael Tao.He not only shines,but his performance is like a supernova,a star explosion,which is big,long and very very bright.Excellent performance.

Is it worth Renting

Definitely but there are a few embarrassing points of this series that I would say is the Number One sin of TV/Movie history:

The Editing

A very embarrassing fact happened. Kathy who for some reason could not film some of the pivotal scenes but we could hear her voice.And so what do the director do? He super-imposed some other scenes with some corresponding emotions on her face onto the scenes that where Kathy is supposed to be or that he used the back of a double for Kathy.The thing is,you would know because suddenly the scene would be slow-mo in action,or the camera kinda concentrated too long on Michael's or Kristy's face or that the super-imposed scenes was like entirely different from the scene we are supposed to be seeing, like the background which was supposed to be a ballroom scene became some bushes and that Kathy's dress that was red became blue,with a collar.It was very funny when all this scene was supposed to be of great drama in it.Which was a pity.Almost 80% of Kathy's scenes were like this.And this was supposed to be the best scene where Michael would be trying to flirt with Kathy that is clearly annoyed and what do you see?Another woman's head with her voice.Such wasted scenes and opportunities.

The Sets

I know the sets /scenes of Michael's house was supposed to cost more than a million dollars to make.But they are so noisy and over decorated that it is almost embarrassing to watch. All you could here when they are in this house was "Konk..Konk...KOnk..Konk" that is the footsteps of the actors when you're trying hard to hear and concentrate what they're saying.I would dare say that TVB's interior or set designer are much more better because it's more down to earth and practical.

The Dresses

They're supposed to be the creme de la creme,that is the richest amongst the richest but my God!Their dresses,coats are so well,either over done or looked cheap.Like so much money spent on the sets and nothing left for make-up and dresses.Again,I would dare say that TVB's dresses or make-up artists are much more practical and yet stylish that they really make the actors looked glamorous and very rich.

Is It Better Than ...

All those dramas above rivalry amongst rich people from TVB/ATV?Yep.This has the best story of this decade so you kinda forgive them for the above mentioned mistakes.

ut I must mention this.The best of this kind of series in ATV/TVB,modern drama wise,for my generation would be Looking Back In Anger with Felix Wong and a very young but very good Deric Wan.That is in my opinion a classic of this sort of the story.For this decade,well Flaming Brothers would be it.

Interesting Facts

This is the biggest hit for ATV for year 1999,and one of the biggest hit that year for TV world.It made Patrick into an instant star and a leading man and made Michael into a bigger star.It made Kristy Yang very very busy lately.

Interestingly,this is not a 100% ATV production.It was a collaboration with another local production house and ATV does not own the rights to this series.Which was why when rumours broke out over some fight over the series with ATV,they threatened to take it to somewhere else.Anyway,a sequel is at hand,of course I don't see how Patrick and Deannie's character can be reprised in this sequel unless it is a different story altogether with the same casts.

eople was not happy with the final scene.Too many questions was left unanswered like did Siu Gei really died?He was supposed to be one of the main characters and people could not believe that he died just like that.And Michael and Kristy's relationship was like,neither here nor there.So a special 1 hour documentary of the actor's feelings of this series was made and a special definitive ending was filmed.A happy ending if you must know.

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