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报刊杂志 雅思口语范文:报刊杂志

导语:下面由出国留学网雅思频道为您提供《雅思口语范文:报刊杂志》,希望您采纳借鉴,欢迎您访问出国留学网浏览更多资讯。  Describe your favorite newspaper or ma


  Describe your favorite newspaper or magazine

  You should say

  What is it?

  What does it contain?

  How often do you read it?

  And explain why it is your favorite newspaper or magazine.

  Further questions

  What do you think of the importance of newspaper in people’s life?

  What are the major accesses when people want to get information?

  Now with the development of the internet, people have more choices to get inform

  ation, what do you think of this? Do you think the newspaper will lose a lot of audience? Why?





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