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黄瓜英语 黄瓜

导语:Cucumber is very effective natural beauty. According to expert studies, fresh cucumber cucumber
   Cucumber is very effective natural beauty. According to expert studies, fresh cucumber cucumber enzyme contained in a strong biological activity of biological enzymes, can effectively promote the body"s metabolism, the expansion of the skin capillaries to promote blood circulation, strengthen the role of oxidation and reduction of skin, there are so emollients were amazing cosmetic results. Daily skin application of fresh cucumber juice on the skin to receive moisture, reduce wrinkles of the cosmetic effect. 黄瓜是十分有效的天然美容品。据专家研究,鲜黄瓜中所含的黄瓜酶是一种有很强生物活性的生物酶,能有效地促进机体的新陈代谢,扩张皮肤毛细血管,促进血液循环,增强皮肤的氧化还原作用,有令人惊异的润肤美容效果。每日用鲜黄瓜汁涂抹皮肤,就可以收到滋润皮肤、减少皱纹的美容效果。
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