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最经典的《口袋英语》佳句摘抄 bearish

导语:1、Figure out what you like . Try to become the best in the world of it .找到你喜欢做的事,并努力成为这个领域里的顶尖人物 。 ----口袋英语2、You can be happy

1、Figure out what you like . Try to become the best in the world of it .

找到你喜欢做的事,并努力成为这个领域里的顶尖人物 。 ----口袋英语

2、You can be happy to live just by yourself . however , it cannot be called "blessedness" .

一个人生活,可以很快乐!可是,只有一个人,便不能说是幸福 。

3、Things do not change , we change .

世界没变,是我们变了 。

4、I don't have time to hate people who hate me . Because i'm too busy in loving people who love me .

我没有时间去恨那些讨厌我的人,因为我忙着爱那些喜欢我的人 。

5、We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong . The amount of work is the same .

我们要么使自己痛苦不堪,要么使自己强大无比,而这两者所需要付出的代价是差不多的 。

6、Don't take yourself too seriously .

别把自己太当回事了 。

7、Sometimes life presents us situations that we cannot change , we must just face them and accept things the way they are , and you'll find the most beautiful rainbow after the storm .

有时候生活会给我们一些无法改变的难题,我们只能选择勇敢面对,等风雨过去,你会收获最美的彩虹 。

8、Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades . Laugh or cry as you like , and it's meaningless to oppress yourself .

人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己 。 ----口袋英语

9、Too dazzling city is not suitable for see stars , like your heart is not suitable for talking to settle .

太耀眼的城市不适合看星星,就像你的心还不适合安定 。 ----口袋英语

10、You may miss everything if you dare not make mistakes .

不敢犯错,可能把一切都错过 。

11、A best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself.


12、You can have it all . You just can't have it all at once .

你可以拥有一切,只是不能一次就全到手 。

13、Stumbled to grow, we are all in the old days and then leave a little bit of the original. 我们都在时光里跌跌撞撞地成长,然后一点点离开最初的模样。

14、Never doubt yourself . Never change who you are . Don't care what people think and just go for it .

别怀疑自己,别改变自己。别在意别人怎么想,大胆去追求自己想要的 。 ----口袋英语

15、Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful , not for others , but for myself .

要努力使每一天都开心而有意义,不为别人,为自己 。 ----口袋英语

16、Learn bearish some things , is their best protection .

学着看淡一些事情,才是对自己最好的保护 。

17、To see a young couple loving each other is no wonder , but to see an old couple loving each other is the best sight of all .

看见一对年轻人相亲相爱不足为奇,但看到一对老夫妇相亲相爱,却是人间最美丽的景致 。

18、A lot of things like the weather , hot or cold gradually , slowly until jing enlightenment , has been a season .

很多事犹如天气,慢慢热或者渐渐冷,等到惊悟,已过了一季 。 ----口袋英语

19、Not because of my persistence , but because you are worth it .

不是因为我执着,而是因为你值得 。 ----口袋英语

20、I miss you , but I won't bother you .

我想你,但我不会打扰你 。

21、Let go of what you can't change .

放弃那些你改变不了的 。

22、There was once a moment , we misunderstood it was a lifetime .

有那么一瞬间,我们误以为是一辈子 。 ----口袋英语

23、As a woman , I DEMAND respect . And don't settle for less .

作为一个女人,我需要尊重 。而且不是一点点 。

24、If you love someone , set them free .

爱一个人,就是让他自由自在的做他自己 。

25、A lot of people are afraid to say what they want . That's why they don't get what they want .

很多人不敢说出他们想要什么,所以他们得不到他们想要的东西 。

26、Happy , is looks for a warm person for a lifetime .

幸福,就是找个温暖的人过一辈子 。

27、As long as you are willing, please let me know what I can do for you.

When you are unhappy and want to cry on somebody's shoulder, I will stand before you immediately.

I feel so lonely under the sky full of stars and clouds.

I expect your love will give me something sweet on a snowing day.

28、Don't make decisions when you're angry . Don't make promises when you're happy .

别在生气的时候做决定,别在开心的时候说承诺 。 ----口袋英语

29、Confidence doesn't mean you're always right , it means you're not scared to be wrong .

自信不是说你永远是对的,而是你不害怕做错 。 ----口袋英语

30、We all have possibilities we don't know about . We can do things we don't even dream we can do .

我们都拥有自己不了解的能力和机会,都有可能做到未曾梦想的事情 。 ----口袋英语

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